How can I make people click on my affiliate links? 13 things to do

WordPress Sites & Backlinks
11 min readMar 20, 2021


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How can I make people click on my affiliate links?
Applying for a professional website

Does Affiliate Marketing Require A Professional Website / Blog?


· Did you know that building a Professional Full Website / Blog these days is as easy as learning ABC and it can only cost you as little as $10.37?

· Did you know that any Business Begins As an Idea and the easiest way to sell that idea to the world is through the use of your own Website?

So, we see that to conduct successful affiliate marketing, strongly needs owning a professional website/blog.

Today, you may discover something valuable because we are going to learn from creating our own Professional Website/Blog, Designing it, promoting it, up to the Monetization Level/affiliation. Don’t be left out!

What Is A Professional Website?

Not every website is a professional one and being a professional website, it must be designed and laid out in a way that gives a good image to visitors. It must capture visitors’ interest to come back or register and this is influenced by both the design and content.

A professional website must not only look great, but also perform extremely great by providing engaging content, helpful links, their placements and smooth navigation so that one can easily find exactly what they are looking for. #Professional website

Why Do We Need A Professional Website?

· More and more people are searching on internet for things they want, solutions or information which gives you credibility when you provide an answer to their searches.

And for that case, a website serves as a Landing Page where we can display our:

(1) Product(s) to sell/promote,

(2) Service(s) to sell/promote.

Because without a platform (I call it a stall) where you can display your goods/services in your own full customization that suits your exact needs, then the online marketing thereafter may become complicated. That is why we need our fully owned platform.

A website saves you a lot of money that would be spent in physical reach-outs to your customers.

· It is much easy and quicker to inform your customers about your products and services for any changes whether in prices or so via the website.

· A website is more accessible since it is open 24hrs, 365 days which gives convenience to your customers when your store/office is closed.

· Even if you have a big social presence, another reason and probably the most important one why you need a professional website/blog, is that you actually own it and have sole control over it. This means, you can do anything you want with it, the way you want it, at any time you want it which is not the same case on others platforms. #Professional website

The Building Process Of A Website

Now, let’s start the building process of our professional website / blog. This process to very many people may mean a lot of money and time. But today, it is going to cost us only $10.37 as hosting monthly fees of our website / blog. There are other web hosting service providers you may know who charge much less than $10, but behind the scenes, they may be more expensive than the $10.37 we are going to be charged you should know it.

How does this happen?

1) Their promised incredible fees may only apply on the first promotion period. I.e.: If they charge you $2 for the first 2 or 3 or so months, then the renewal price afterwards will be much higher like $2 you previously paid for the service. This one, is reliable and stable.

2) If their hosting fees don’t change after the promotion period, then the required basic features will be limited which will require you to pay extra fees for them and in the end, the overall monthly price will bulge.

Therefore, we are going to create our website / blog on Word Press and host it on Hostgator servers because of their State-of-the-art features offered at an incredible stable price of $10.37 per month.

Don’t be scared of the coding skills, things are going to be super easy because, they are drag and drop as you’ll be watching in the video below going step by step. #Professional website

Let’s go…

Registration Process: Steps to apply for your website

· When you click on Apply link at the bottom below, follow the following options: (Access the PDF guide with snapshots Here or Watch a step by step video of building process Here)

· Choose Get Started

· Choose Hatchling Plan

· Enter your desired domain name like ( or the one you already own.

· Fill in other details like personal details and payment options

· On additional services, un-check all fields.

· On Coupon Code, delete pre-inserted keyword and replace it with: Reduce4me and then click validate.

· That keyword will automatically apply a discount for you to as low as $10.37

And finally, click Checkout Now.


Before we learn the facts that can affect your affiliate marketing journey, think about this first

Why do you think someone would choose to buy a product/service with a price tag 500% or so higher than the normal price of others with good quality from competitors?

The moment an affiliate marketer starts to discover the reasons why people choose to buy ultra-pricey products when there are other low cost options, then you’ll start gaining confidence in selling/promoting anything at any price you prefer and make huge profits.

By analysing this, we realize that customers know their problems, but not always the solutions. This means that whoever comes with a perfect solution, will have the power to get the audience and determine the price of it.

In order to provide excellent solutions, there are must be some elements that can easily facilitate this process and some of them are;

· The Scarcity element of luxury: this is one of the most attractive but denied reasons why people buy expensive things. People buy things because they are scarce. Scarcity leaves no option for buyers but it needs to have a reason, note it.

· The sensation of emergency: When the amount of products for sale is limited, consumers have little time to reflect on purchasing decisions. They skip basic questions that they would do before spending money. When you’re able to create this rush, it stimulates shopping and purchasing decisions.

· The sensation of exclusivity: Because of exclusive character and appeal, the demand rises and the price too does. Building exclusivity, is a very useful tool that can make you huge sums of money whether you are an affiliate marketer or not.

People choose to buy expensive handmade bags or shoes than those millions produced in automated factories. Why? Exclusivity.

People go to V.I.P concerts that have a limited number of spectators without minding on the price not because they’re V.I.Ps, but exclusivity.

Doctors, lawyers, or specialists limit the number of hours they have to offer for their clients in a day and the charge them expensively just to emphasize exclusivity.

Car makers produce expensive Limited editions of cars just to create exclusivity and orders float.

Ending questions you should try to answer

  1. What objections do my prospects have, and how will I solve them? It can be hard to conduct affiliate marketing successfully if there’s no anyone’s problem you are solving.
  2. What outrageous offer (including a guarantee) can I make? Without guarantees, people cannot believe you or buy from you.
  3. How can I create a sense of scarcity based on my business restrictions? Scarcity accelerates buying decisions.

After getting right answers to these questions, your excellence will soar because you even be able to set your price tags.

We have discussed this just to let you see that if you marketing strategies and stand out of the rest as a valuable brand. Let’s now head to how to get people click on our affiliate links.

How can I make people click on my affiliate links? 13 things to do

The 11 facts I am going to list affecting your affiliate marketing journey, are the exact 11 things to do/sort to get the affiliate marketing success.

But first of all, I find it really annoying when I see tons of YouTube Creators declaring that by the time you finish watching their videos, you will be able to make money online easily and quickly through affiliate marketing. Get it right, that is not true, it is a process as we are going to learn.

But when someone says that Affiliate Marketing business is very profitable, for that I agree it’s true though breaking out is like on any other business where you need good product(s), consistent hard work, strategy for marketing, traffic and or; working capital.

Majorly, affiliate marketing bases on traffic and it needs it as much as the desert needs rain but not all of us are willing to pay for it because it comes at a cost. So many of us don’t even have enough to pay for promoting our affiliate links/websites. So therefore, the search for methods to generate free traffic grows day by day.

Don’t grow weary and lose hope, by the end of this article, you’ll have gotten a clear image of how affiliate marketing can be conducted, where you failed and went off truck in the journey, and or; where you should make a retouch to stand again and boom.

13 Facts Affecting Your Affiliate Marketing journey

Fact №1: The most important thing in affiliate marketing is traffic. You won’t earn a penny even if you select the best product under the sun until you have huge traffic to your link(s).

Fact №2: When choosing appropriate traffic sources, formulate a right strategy that will drive traffic to your links which may include Free and Paid sources. Free traffic may cost you some time of consistent hard work before seeing good results. Whereas paid traffic methods like CPA, CPI, PPC, FB Ads, and native ads could drive immediate traffic to your link but at a cost of money. Hey, don’t be scared because of the term “Paid,” majority of digital advertising platforms give you flexibility to decide on your daily ads budget.

Fact №3: When traffic sources are now cited, then targeting is critically a very important aspect. Because; instead of having 1,000 visitors per day who don’t buy, isn’t it much better to have 10 visitors per day who buys? And this can be emphasized in targeting right audiences.

Fact №4: When you have ensured good traffic, consider choosing quality products in your chosen niche with ample affiliate tools, good gravity, low refund rates, and preferably recurring commissions. The quality of your affiliate products can much affect your success. Some can promote a product its single sale beats that of 100 sales.

Fact №5: When you get some few visitors to your website/Landing page, it doesn’t make any sense at all. Visitors don’t understand what it’s about. So, none will bother to share it on. This minimizes your chances of being promoted for free to receive clicks on your affiliate products/links.

Fact №6: For any content you offer, be it sharing affiliate product reviews through blog posts, comments replies, discussions answers, please share honest reviews and helpful/well informed info. Always make your content remarkably standing out. If it doesn’t and it’s not better than anything else out there, people won’t share it. By emphasizing this issue and give content that serves people with exactly what they want, the job of promoting your website, getting backlinks and traffic becomes ridiculously easy and magically unclear to human understanding.

Fact №7: Fighting to rank for topics/keywords that are too competitive, is a killer point that can highly kill your success when sometimes, you have done everything right. There are already thousands of websites out there that are doing it way much better than you, and they are at the top already. It might be a big task to scrap them off the wall. To get good results, don’t fight for highly competitive keywords and topics, it may cost your life!

Fact №8: When all that is set well, email marketing is still a mandatory issue for every successful affiliate marketer to get quality traffic. You can create an email list of active subscribers on your website and reach out to them regularly by sharing your reviews of products, latest offers and so on. And if you have your own products, you can also do upselling to existing customers. Attractive and personalized emails, is a wonderful key to get quality traffic to your affiliate links.

Fact №9: Being active in online forums and groups in relation to your niche, is another wonderful key to get more quality traffic to your affiliate website/links. To conduct this effectively, take part in forum discussions by providing honest ideas as you throw in your link but do it in an authentic way, where it feels appropriate, or you’ll be labelled a spammer and banned.

Fact №10: In very many cases, people ignore generosity yet it works like magic. Giving freebies and incentives, discount Coupons, Deals offers or Promotions, can generate leads thus increasing traffic like nothing else. Sometimes, I can say that; if you are willing to invest $100,000 in ads with an intention to get traffic, it’d be better to freely give it out to the few members you have. Indirectly, the results will be overwhelming! Take an example of this YouTube Channel how it has managed to promote itself by doing nothing much but giving real money. Where the owner gives $1m, he gets back $10m or so in profits from video monetization and third party ad campaigns. Giving, can bring excellent results that you want as an affiliate marketer.

Fact №11: Niche Influencing: Individuals who become good influencers gain more authentic relationships with their followers. Their audiences get trust in them and whichever the brand they recommend to them, they obey. By influencing others can make them click on your affiliate links easily.

Fact №12: Use Of Classified Websites: A classified website is a website where anybody can publish classified ads for free. You can generate more traffic to your affiliate links by publishing your products on popular classified sites.

Fact №13: This one would be the first on the list, but it is last because most people don’t want to hear about it (SEO). Building a well Search Engine Optimized website, is the only magic that can drastically give immeasurable quality traffic to your affiliate links so many times without allocating any money to achieve it. But because of its complexity and metrics, people hate it and I won’t talk much about it.

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving website data quality and quantity for search engines when users search for specific terms (keywords) in relation with your website. By proper use of SEO, it helps search engines to easily index websites’ content and deliver fine results that perfectly matches the customer’s query/search as this increases a web page’s rank in search results which automatically increases your organic traffic for free. To learn more about SEO and Keyword optimization, click Here:

Gone, are the days none of this mattered. People could just wakeup and build a bunch of links on their websites, and rise up a day later ranking so high in search engine results. But since Google’s Penguins came along, you need to convince real people that your content is worth linking to and sharing. And guess what? Real people don’t want to link to crappy websites or crappy content.

Ending question

Who do you know is really good at building crappy websites? Affiliate marketers because we are not building them out of love but desire to make quick money online.

Don’t rush to burn your time and money in vague things, build patiently from the scratch as we have seen above, you’ll surely succeed in affiliate marketing.

Want to know more about affiliate marketing terminologies, click Here:

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Other useful links

  1. Key Points to note before establishing a professional website
  2. List of must have tools and plugins for wordpress



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